I'm Michael McKenzie, I'm 18 years old, and I love music more than almost anything in the world. I've probably been to over 70 concerts since I turned 16, live music is one of my favorite things. This blog is mostly just here as a place to share the way music makes me feel. I used to be a DJ on a small local radio station, it was this that really helped me develop my love for music. I'm an introvert and you can usually find me standing in the corner with some headphones on reading a book. If I'm not in the said corner, odds are I'm talking to someone about how much I love music.
I also really love Coca-Cola and the outdoors. I collect records and I'm a hobby photographer.
You can follow me on twitter
@unicycle_kid, I will also take suggestions about posts, reviews, and other such things on my twitter.
One last thing: If you read my blog, you're instantly one of my favorite people.
Thanks for reading!
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