Thursday, June 25, 2015

Music Transcends All

This isn't about any particular band or song. I just felt the need for some expression.

To further preface this post I'll just say that this last week has been a really weird one. I know I said I would be gone for 2 years on a religious service mission, but illness cut that wonderful experience short. I think I'll be fine so no worries there. It has just been an emotional whirlwind given that a big part of my plan in life now has to be altered. Like any great change there are certain worries and struggles adapting and adjusting. What better force to qualm the troubles and worries than the power of music?

Music has played a huge role in my life and I cannot aptly express all of the ways it has helped me. I firmly believe that music is something far greater than just notes and words on a page. Music is an art that transcends cultural, economic, social, ethnic, and any other type of boundary you can think of. Music transcends all.

I would say that music holds me into reality. I can listen to a song and have a rush of nostalgia and remember an event that took place years before in which I was listening to that very song. Music gives me those essential reminders that I exist.

Oftentimes I find music molding and shaping my perspective on the world. I find it bringing about a sort of borrowed nostalgia for a moment I never experienced or for a life I never lived. I don't know if you have ever had a similar experience but it has definitely helped me broaden my horizons and expand my consciousness. It's a hard feeling to explain but I find myself trying to see the world from an artists point of view as I listen to their track. Sometimes I'll even try to put myself in the shoes of an imagined listener who would react to the feeling of a song in a way that's entirely different from my own.

That's the best way I can think to describe my listening experience. I know it seems strange, having so much going through my mind all because of a few simple notes on a page, or the poetic writing that goes along with it, but it's the way my mind naturally processes the information.

Because of this I have a hard time grasping the hollow lyrics and pre-produced music that has become the top 40 list. For the same reason I really don't care whether a song or an artist is critically acclaimed. When I am listening to music all I look for is the way it makes me feel. That's all that's important to me. I want to catch that glimpse of what the world looks like from someone else's perspective. That's all.


P.S. If you enjoyed this post share it with your friends, and there are more to come. Have a lovely summer!

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