No matter how smart you think you are, you don't know exactly what someone is thinking when they write a song. No matter what you read about on the internet, you don't know exactly what the lyrics meant to the artist. I've seen a lot of people on different forums and such online claiming to know exactly what the artist meant in their lyrics, and that just isn't possible.
I think the reason that this bugs me so much is the fact that thousands of people can listen to the same song, and everyone can get something different out of it. That, to me at least, is what makes music incredible. I love the fact that different people interpret songs differently because we all have different situations.
I'm using the word different way too much but that's the point. Everyone interprets music DIFFERENTLY. This being said, WHY THE HECK ARE PEOPLE CLAIMING TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE SONG MEANS NO MATTER WHAT. I'm sorry, I just hate it when people do this. I think Dave Grohl says it perfectly "That's one of the great things about music, you can sing a song to 85,000 people and they'll sing it back for 85,000 different reasons."
Everyone has a different story, and everyone has a different perception of the world, so who are you to say what they should think of a song.
I try to avoid doing this in my blog, in fact, I try to encourage all of you guys to listen to songs for yourselves and decide what you think.
So if you're one of those people on the forums who tell everyone what to think, throw your computer out the window because you don't deserve to have it.
Sorry about the rant but it really needed to be said.
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