Neon Bible, Arcade Fire's sophomore album, talks a lot about organized religions and some of the hypocrisy that exists within it. It was really cool to listen to this album all the way through and gain insight from the unique perspective that's offered when fully experiencing this album. I found the song Intervention especially moving, Give it a listen and see what you think.

The Suburbs, The third album released by Arcade Fire, tells a story of life growing up in the suburbs. It's absolutely brilliant lyrically, the words sung really paint a picture that you can become a part of. As you listen you really become immersed in the story and feel like a part of it. It's an emotional journey, I know I sound super cliche when I say that, but trust me, it is. Better yet, listen to it for yourself, you won't regret it.
The newest release by Arcade Fire is an album called Reflektor. Reflektor is a double album, a two disc set. The first disc seems to be just a lot of fun to me. The songs do have meaning and they all connect, but it's the second disc that really tells the story. Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice) and It's Never Over (Hey Orpheus) retell the ancient myth of Orpheus and Eurydice which you can read about by clicking here. Followed by that double header is a song called Porno. I know the name sounds questionable, but it is a great song all about insecurities and how terrible it is that we objectify women so heavily nowadays. Then come Afterlife and Supersymmetry. I'm not going to talk about these much because you need to listen to fully understand.
Every one of the albums is masterfully crafted and tells an individual story with a unique style. There are definitely great singles in all of these albums, but that's not the point. Arcade Fire has a very special talent when it comes to telling stories in their music. Anyone can write lyrics that tell a story, but very few artists can take you on an emotional journey the way Arcade Fire can.
I recently had the opportunity to see Arcade Fire in concert and the experience literally changed my life for the better. I needed that concert, and I didn't realize how much it would affect me going into it.
Arcade Fire is a band that is extremely important to me and I hope you can be moved by their music as much as I have.
P.S. if you love arcade fire as much as I do, share this post on your preferred social media site so your friends can learn to love them too.